Family First

It’s that time again, no not that one. Or that one. But the end of January. Unlike our other office breaks this season is not a public holiday and is, perhaps, the least understood.

It wouldn’t be too far of a stretch for the outside eye to think I’m slightly lazy or part-timer for taking a break so close to our recent Christmas break. But, in reality, I’d like to suggest it’s quite the opposite.

You see, when it comes to business, most shut down over the Christmas break. But because our businesses are so diverse, we power-on through. So in reality, even though our offices are shut over Christmas – we aren’t really on a break at all. In fact we were often chasing orders, replying to emails and preparing for the year ahead.

So, even though it’s a challenge for most to go back to work after the Christmas, I’d perhaps argue – we are less rested than most. Our kids are savvy to this also. While we are able to give them 100% over Christmas Day and the few surrounding days, anything more than that is a bit of a luxury for us (and them). With that in mind, we have January.

The last two weeks in January are very special for our family. Not only is it my birthday, but it’s the time that we set aside especially for each other. We enjoy each others’ company. We go out to places during the days. And we make up for all the time that we are otherwise busy.

It may not be ideal timing for everyone who has to wait until we come back to work on February, but I thank-you for understanding. For me and my business, it will always be Family First.

So please don’t judge us for taking time out, we’ll be back in full-force on the 4th February to take on 2019 head-on. Thanks for understanding.

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The Battle of Mort Gage

This one is a long read. But it’s one I have crafted carefully over the last season.

You always hear that life is a battle. But a wise man once told me that it’s not always about the victory, sometimes it’s about the honour in how you fight. I didn’t think much of it at the time, but now I can safely say that I have lived this legend. And telling it is easier than walking through it. This is the story of how a thirty-something family man tried to get a mortgage in the UK.

The battle to own a property has been one that I’ve fought over the last three years. Along the way, I’ve been challenged, disassembled and rebuilt more times than I’d care to count. Through this process I’ve fought financial, stereotype and mental battles that I wouldn’t wish on anyone.

I don’t know why, but while the whole story is still raw, I thought I’d write about it. Thank you for humouring me. This is ‘The Battle of Mort Gage’.

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Finding zoo birds pets book

Any parent will tell you how wonderful the gift of television is. Sure it’s probably frowned upon. Yes we’re supposed to limit the amount they watch. But have you SEEN how happy it makes them to see their favourite characters on screen? It’s sheer joy. It also helps that you get a moments’ peace to collect your thoughts. Does this make me a bad parent? I hope not. I love parenting. My girls are literally my joy.

As a result, I have seen a lovely selection of kids movies over the last year or so. And I have to say – some are a lot better than others – as my kids will attest…

Let’s go…

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I haven’t had much time to write over the last few months… But in the meantime, there have been so many blog posts I have wanted to write, but just haven’t been able to put fingers to keys. My hope is that, unless the momentum dies out from those stories, they will be told in the coming weeks and months.

But while there are but a few hours remaining for 2016, there is one post that I wanted to get out there before all of the others. As with all of my posts, this is primarily for my own sake and sanity, but I welcome anyone who wants to read along for the fun of it.

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Let It Go

This post will, as the name suggests, start and end with a reference to the ever-growing regularity in my life of Frozen (the Disney movie). As a father of two girls now, barely a day goes by where I haven’t seen, heard or had to play with characters from the film. But that’s ok with me.

Perhaps my children may have the holy grail when it comes to a Father interested in kids movies’. It’s no secret that my favourite movie of all time is The Lion King. My DVD collection weighs heavily on the animated side and my repertoire of movie quotes consist mainly of the humorous animated sidekicks from Disney films….

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The Sleeping Toddler

I think one of the strangest things for a non-parent to understand is the watching of a child sleeping. I mean even typing now, to me, just sounds creepy. Why would anyone want to watch their child sleep? We all know that no-one looks their best in their unconscious-REM-cycling-mode, but somehow that doesn’t matter as a parent. In fact as a parent, this is one of the greatest parts of the day for me. Let me explain…

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DDIY (Don’t Do It Yourself) Sholdstock

I hear it said that one of the most important traits for any father is to have a handy set of DIY tools and know how to use them. Throughout the eight years or so of living away from home, I have slowly accumulated a selection of tools in varying degrees of quality and decency – none of which do I know how to use properly. Perhaps the tape measure – but even that seems to give me evils while uttering ‘You don’t know how to use me, don’t pretend you know. Go get a professional’. So I get a sneaky feeling I’m doing something wrong.

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