
I haven’t had much time to write over the last few months… But in the meantime, there have been so many blog posts I have wanted to write, but just haven’t been able to put fingers to keys. My hope is that, unless the momentum dies out from those stories, they will be told in the coming weeks and months.

But while there are but a few hours remaining for 2016, there is one post that I wanted to get out there before all of the others. As with all of my posts, this is primarily for my own sake and sanity, but I welcome anyone who wants to read along for the fun of it.

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Order Overload

It’s been too long. And for those of you who know me, you’ll know why. Things have been crazy busy at sholdstock towers over the last few weeks as our LEGO Minifigure Caricature business received its biggest ever boom in the build-up to Christmas (pun intended!). We’re thrilled at the volume of orders and as much as I’d love to write more about it, time doesn’t permit on this occasion as the orders are literally waiting for me in my next browser tab…

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Career Paths aka Living The Dream

I am amazed at the amount of people who don’t have jobs. And this isn’t a post moaning or pointing the figure at anyone or any governing body. It is, however, a direct revelation based on today’s culture. So if I’m pointing the finger at anyone – it’s those who effect today’s culture (yes media, primarily I’m looking at you).

We’ve been taught something that fails us. It’s something that is deep routed in the education system and entrenched as part of our ‘personality’ by the time we hit our mid-twenties. It’s quite simply one thing: the dream is get a lot by doing little…

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