
I haven’t had much time to write over the last few months… But in the meantime, there have been so many blog posts I have wanted to write, but just haven’t been able to put fingers to keys. My hope is that, unless the momentum dies out from those stories, they will be told in the coming weeks and months.

But while there are but a few hours remaining for 2016, there is one post that I wanted to get out there before all of the others. As with all of my posts, this is primarily for my own sake and sanity, but I welcome anyone who wants to read along for the fun of it.

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Order Overload

It’s been too long. And for those of you who know me, you’ll know why. Things have been crazy busy at sholdstock towers over the last few weeks as our LEGO Minifigure Caricature business received its biggest ever boom in the build-up to Christmas (pun intended!). We’re thrilled at the volume of orders and as much as I’d love to write more about it, time doesn’t permit on this occasion as the orders are literally waiting for me in my next browser tab…

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Sharers and Archivers

Social Media. It’s been called many things. Solved many problems. Created just as many. But one thing’s for sure, it’s not going anywhere. It popped up not to long ago and doesn’t look like it’s going to loose momentum in my lifetime.

I think it’s only been recently that I have become aware of a split in users. It comes down to the way in which we use social media, and perhaps, defines the quantity and style of the updates that we post.

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Career Paths aka Living The Dream

I am amazed at the amount of people who don’t have jobs. And this isn’t a post moaning or pointing the figure at anyone or any governing body. It is, however, a direct revelation based on today’s culture. So if I’m pointing the finger at anyone – it’s those who effect today’s culture (yes media, primarily I’m looking at you).

We’ve been taught something that fails us. It’s something that is deep routed in the education system and entrenched as part of our ‘personality’ by the time we hit our mid-twenties. It’s quite simply one thing: the dream is get a lot by doing little…

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Car Trains, and the importance of rails

I imagine you think I’ve lost it. ANOTHER post with a kids show as the photo. Don’t worry, this has precious little to do with the awesomeness that is Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave (the kids show pictured at the top of this post). But it did serve as a starting platform for this particular thought train (pun intended)….

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Let It Go

This post will, as the name suggests, start and end with a reference to the ever-growing regularity in my life of Frozen (the Disney movie). As a father of two girls now, barely a day goes by where I haven’t seen, heard or had to play with characters from the film. But that’s ok with me.

Perhaps my children may have the holy grail when it comes to a Father interested in kids movies’. It’s no secret that my favourite movie of all time is The Lion King. My DVD collection weighs heavily on the animated side and my repertoire of movie quotes consist mainly of the humorous animated sidekicks from Disney films….

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The Unknown made Known

I love and struggle with the unknown. I serve a God who us unseen, believe in a future that I can’t see and base my entire life upon a book that claims to be the literal Word of God. That’s a lot of belief in the unknown. None of it can be scientifically proven and yet, to me, it’s truer than the lack of hair on my head.

But there is is an overwhelming emphasis in the media to discredit everything that can’t be scientifically proven. And that doesn’t sit right with me. Science can prove science. Science can’t prove something that isn’t confined to its laws…
But there is is an overwhelming emphasis in the media to discredit everything that can’t be scientifically proven. And that doesn’t sit right with me. Science can prove science. Science can’t prove something that isn’t confined to its laws…

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We live in a fantastic age. The age of smartphones, instant communication and virtual mailboxes. But with every development comes the annoyances. And with modern technology – it’s spam. The rise of the spammer has been a gradual dripping tap to everyone with access to communication. But here in 2016, it’s a bit less of a dripping tap and more of a torrential downpour of plain horse excrement. It is the juicy un-popped pimple on the face of modern technology. As an owner of quite a few web-based businesses and manager for many more, it’s something I have to deal with on a daily basis. Sometimes hourly. So my patience for spam is all but gone. As an 80’s sitcom once put it “I’ve got one nerve left, and they’re leaning on it..!”.

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Cutting the Cable (aka Netflix vs LoveFilm 2)

A few years back, I wrote an article reviewing and comparing the two video streaming services; Netflix and the then LoveFilm (later to be rebranded as Amazon Prime). At the time, I concluded a win for Netflix after reviewing various factors. Earlier this year I decided to revisit the debate. In early 2016 I drafted a new article, taking into account all of the new features that both of the services offered. but every time that I may an effort to publish the post – one of the services will add a game-changing feature…

But now, in short, this post will look at my journey to ‘cutting the cable’, the cliche catchphrase for cancelling the paid monthly TV services that come through cable and switching to online TV (as best possible)…

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