From Supermarkets to Infinity. Part 2.

The funny thing about looking back at events that happened a while ago is that you gain new levels of hindsight. I mean take, for example, turning up to work after your honeymoon – only to be presented with a manager who was glowing red with fury and two sticks of dynamite, one in each hand, held high in the air for all to see. Not the best start to a new season at my job.

When I was at university (which wasn’t THAT long ago), the average work load for a student was approximately two to three pages a month. If that. Fortunately I’d have been wise and spent most of my study hours playing games like Call of Duty and so I’d learnt what to do when presented with dynamite. After looking around the warehouse, it was clear I had been surrounded by managers and manager-wonnabe’s. Each probably fed with the lies my manager was most likely splattering out. He was angry that his staff had all left… and allegedly it was all my fault… apparently. Well I may have gently nudged them in the right direction – but still. It was his bad originally and then I had knocked them towards the edge… Ok maybe I was partly to blame.

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From Supermarkets to Infinity. Part 1.

//Before any reviews took place, the war ranged. Comments flew across the chiller like shrapnel inside a bomb-shelter. Words were tossed across the room over boards of produce like grenades that exploded with hate and spite. It truly was everything or nothing. Being a man of integrity, I wasn’t so fruity with the words – hard as it was. So instead I picked up the juiciest, thinnest skinned tomato and lobbed it towards my manager. It wasn’t until probably about 2 or 3 milliseconds after the tomato had left my still-swinging-back-fingers that I realised what I had done. Everyone else, shocked by my act, fell to the floor for maximum cover. I did the same. As a result, I didn’t see the impact. But I heard it.//

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The way it really works…

So many topics. Only one entry. How do I prioritise on this thing!? Well, safe to say, there is a juicy supermarket-themed blog post saved nicely in my drafts folder that gets added to everytime I get a minute. Thing is, it’s taking longer than I thought coz it has to be good. With that it mind, I though for all two of my fans out there, I should post a little something to let you know – I haven’t forgotten the world of blogging. and without diverting too much attention away from the draft and onto this post, I thought I would post a little true story that went up of Facetube during my final weeks at Sainsco’s. This one is really true….

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Tales from the clicker.

It’s interesting starting a blog again. I’ve done it numerous times, in numerous ways. Some out there on the web, some tucked up safe in a hard-drive that’s sitting on a bookshelf gathering dust. But this is the first time I have made a publicly open blog for blog’s sake. I had a hand in the Devoted blog towards the end of last year – which I thoroughly enjoyed, but felt the responsibility of making it universally relevant was slightly restricting. Which, I guess, was the start of a thought pattern that would inevitably result in a blog of my personal life.

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