An Introverted Reflection


Stephen Hawking put it a bit like this: Silent People have the Loudest Minds. That’s a great quote. It’s been a while since I last wrote an introvert piece. But someone posted a great link today on social media that was a really great article to help people understand introverts a little bit better. So I thought I’d share it. The article was called “10 Ways Introverts Interact Differently With The World”, originally by the Huffington Post…

It’s articles like these that encourage me to know that I’m not the only one in the world who feels the way I do in social environments. As mentioned and discussed before, extroverts by their very nature, seem more widely common because they are better at making themselves known. Meanwhile, the introverts enjoy the privacy of solitude and less public displays of their thoughts – the danger sometimes of thinking they are the only people who feel the way that they do.

The original article can be found here: 10 Ways Introverts Interact Differently With The World. More interestingly though, the recommended reading thereafter was just as useful. Firstly, an advert for a conference made for introverts – teaching the how to react in social environments. This is hilarious simply because, by its very nature, it’s unlikely to get any registrations. Clearly the person organising the conference has no idea how to interact with introverts. The very mention of this conference made me shudder and steer clear of the link. Classic. More interestingly, though, another link pointed me to an image that I’d seen previously.

If you aren’t into reading the above article – check out this really simple explanation in picture form, courtesy of its author (Schroeder Jones):
