Jurassic World: Starlord’s Raptors


Since the release of Jurassic Park 3 in 2001, I have sat by patiently while Hollywood got its act together and made another decent Dinosaur film. And finally, after 14 years (!!) of waiting – that day finally came.

Needless to say, I booked tickets for the first performance as my desperation to see the film couldn’t be contained any longer. The film was fantastic, with the only criticism from me being that I wanted more. But a 4-hour extended edition probably still wouldn’t have been long enough for me. The truth is, I can’t get enough Dinosaurs. So pair that up with the awesomeness of one of my all-time favourite actors: Chris Pratt (aka Starboard aka Andy Dwyer aka LEGO Emmet) training Raptors and it was a recipe for success…

For me any Dinosaur film is onto a winner – but this particular one obviously had a bigger budget than most. And it showed. Great film, thoroughly enjoyed it. I’m not sure how they’d plan to do a sequel but apparently Chris Pratt has already signed for it – so who knows?

984DB0E9-3977-4733-A4A1-C9570FECB359The biggest question that I am left asking is quite simply this: How is it been 22 years since the first film came out? That’s just crazy. I was just a kid, I wasn’t even allowed to go to the cinema to see it – but I remember watching it on VHS for the first time. Quite contrast to the IMAX 3D screen I saw it on this week. I do love technology’s advances 🙂

Now having seen the film twice, and looking forward to a third one. I’m left practising Chris Pratt’s moves on the Raptors. I believe the Internet phenomenon is called #Prattkeeping. The dog wasn’t quite as excited about it as I was though…!