Brighton Marathon Videos #1

I have many friends and acquaintances (and one family member) running the Brighton Marathon this year. Taking place in just two weeks time, I was asked to follow my college mate, Blaker and make a short film for him to help raise sponsorships. The final mixes ended with two possible parodies. They were both so good – we kept them both. The first one, Rocky, is here for your enjoyment. The second one will be posted here next week. And all I can say is that it will be one incredible “montage”… But for now – enjoy a bit of Rocky.

Parody of Rocky Training Video.

Chris Blaker is running the Brighton Marathon in 2013.
Please sponsor him using the link below.
Blaker is raising money for the Great Ormond Street Hospital Charity.

See Blaker run the streets of Brighton on 14th April 2013.

I don’t own the music for this video.