Technology since last year.

20130309-210547.jpgLooking back a year from today, I realised there have been a fantastic selection of gadgets that have been added to my lifestyle. So I thought I would write a little something about my favourite technologies – the ones that have impacted my lifestyle or the way in which I live. In order of importance, at the top of my list….

Firstly, my Nike Fuelband.
20130309-204912.jpgIt’s no secret that my wife is an excellent cook. That, coupled with the fact that I work long hours in front of a computer (resulting in high volumes of fast food), means my fitness has been somewhat impaired of late. Well that’s nothing new – I’ve never been a fan of sports. Or exercise. Or gyms. Or salads. So my body has had a rough ride. That’s where my Fuelband has changed the way I live.

The Fuelband (see my initial review for full spec) allows me to set a daily goal in “Fuelpoints”. I’ve met my goal every day since I received it in late January. There is no doubt in my mind that I have had to work for it. On many occasions, I would reach the end of my day and realise I am short of my goal. This encourages me to take the dog for anther walk, or do some weights for twenty minutes. Simply to keep my streak going (I hit 50 consecutive days on Monday!). Lifestyle changer.

20130309-205511.jpgClose second, my iPad.
Now this isn’t an “I love Apple rant”, frankly the iPad fits best for me – but I realise that each individual will suit different devices better. But wow, a tablet has revolutionised the way I do business. Instead of taking my old MacBook to meetings – finding a power-source, asking for the wi-fi pin and booting up – my 3G pad is so much easier.

It’s perfect for showing portfolio work, working out what clients are looking for and for showcasing various technologies wherever I am. I also manage my accounts, clients, notes, calendars and emails. To have it as a separate tool whilst working on my main computer is actually really useful. I can even scan paper whilst in a meeting to take away a digital copy. Now, I don’t think I could work without it. But an even better tool is the cloud features. It syncs to my phone and my main computer, enabling real-time updates. Which leads me to my next favourite gadget of last year.

I know it’s not a piece of physical tech, but it’s made my USB stick extinct. My pad’s documents sync up as well as the ability to send clients large files. It’s perfect in so many ways. I’m still not entirely convinced about its security, so I’m a little cautious of what I put on there – but still, I just love how easy it is to connect my devices to.

20130309-210035.jpgFinally, Netflix.
Yeah, I know, this one won’t go down so well with LoveFilm lovers out there – but after testing them both this year, I found Netflix to be the winner for me. In short, the capacity to watch such a wide variety of tv shows wherever I am on tv, console, desktop, tablet or phone has been nothing short of amazing.

Maybe that’s not an extensive-enough look at the technologies that have changed my life this last year – but it’s definitely a start. And with the likely new iPad and iPhone release this year, I’m confident that this coming year will be equally good.

Thanks technology… for being so awesome!