McDonalds Monopoly 2014 – The Winning Tickets

It’s that wonderful time of the year AGAIN. No, not Christmas, but Easter. And we all know why that’s so special. Creme Egg McFlurry’s and McDonalds McFlurry’s. I’m sure I’ll make this post prettier a some point, but for now – these are the winning tickets for McDonalds Monopoly 2014 (The Prize Vault).

Brown – Custom Phone Case – Old Kent Road

Light Blue – Urbanz Headphones – Euston Road

Pink – £100 Buyagift Voucher – Northumberland Avenue

Orange – Best Western Break – Marlborough Street

Red – iPad Air – Strand

Yellow – Yamaha Scooter – Coventry Street

Green – Mini Cooper – Bond Street

Dark Blue – £100k – Mayfair

Stations – Xbox One – Liverpool St Station