I Built A Shed

This week marked the chance for us to build the shed that has been sitting, in kit form, on the grass for the last two weeks. Through storm and head-wave, through house decoration and dog wee’s – the kit has finally come together as Becky’s shed. Now our garden is the litte-bit more tidy.

20140724-093404-34444026.jpgThey said it would be hard. They said I’d need help. They said I belonged in front of a computer. They said I shouldn’t be allowed around power tools. Well some of those may be true. But I built a shed. And now I feel like a man.

But it has confirmed my suspicions. Now that I know I can do it. Now I know I am capabile. It’s not a case of I CAN’T do DIY, it’s a case of I’m not MEANT to do DIY. I really do belong in front of computers.