Another Season Finale Part 2

Sometimes you can know something constantly, and really know it. You’re reminded of it a thousand times. But it doesn’t hit you until the thousandth-and-first time.

The night before the big day, my friend of many years gets married. I should be sleeping, but I’m writing this instead. I find that writing these things closer the moments I feel emotions gives me more of an umph to make it happen.

We set up, rehearsed and went for a drink. As a groomsman, it was cool to see the wedding from the other side of the story. But somehow this evening’s rehearsal was very much a flash-back to my own wedding rehearsal, five years ago.

Sometimes you can know something constantly, and really know it. You’re reminded of it a thousand times. But it doesn’t hit you until the thousandth-and-first time. I guess this wedding was it. I’m married. I have a kid on the way. And to top it all, I’m about to watch one of my closest friends start their own version of this story.

But above it all, I realised something even more important today. I am so blessed. I love my wife SO much. She is so perfect for me, and she is going to make the best mum in the world. The next chapter of our lives is so very close now – and this part of my finale is simply to remember how vital she is in my life. I couldn’t do half the stuff I do without her there beside me. Or at least behind me pushing me!

I think that’s why this wedding is different. Being a part of it. Seeing the emotions of my friend. It’s his season finale tomorrow. But for me, this is only the second part of my season finale. And that’s the beauty of having an unspecific number of finale parts…